Bandplace vs カズネ! | 6–1 | 85.71% |
Bandplace vs 녹차나무 | 2–3 | 40.00% |
Bandplace vs Paise the Sun! | 4–1 | 80.00% |
Bandplace vs ohee | 3–2 | 60.00% |
Bandplace vs 초스카이충 | 4–1 | 80.00% |
Bandplace vs 신나는melody | 4–1 | 80.00% |
Bandplace vs hannemo0305 | 3–2 | 60.00% |
Bandplace vs ARGNI | 4–1 | 80.00% |
Bandplace vs PizaNiko | 1–4 | 20.00% |
Bandplace vs 노 야 | 1–4 | 20.00% |
Bandplace vs Koku | 1–4 | 20.00% |
Bandplace vs Caim | 1–4 | 20.00% |
Bandplace vs PaleAle | 2–3 | 40.00% |
Bandplace vs 청년치매말기환자 | 2–2 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs ❀牡5ma5hble丹❀ | 1–3 | 25.00% |
Bandplace vs rezio | 1–3 | 25.00% |
Bandplace vs 마지막권분녀 | 2–2 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 즐겜유저 | 0–4 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs GoodSleep | 0–4 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ポンコツAIリリちゃん | 0–4 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 팔꿈치(elbow) | 4–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 윤이네집 | 0–4 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs じょーーん@TOBI | 1–3 | 25.00% |
Bandplace vs LION | 0–4 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs カメさん | 2–2 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs Masax | 2–2 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs wildbear2316 | 2–2 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs tthinkju | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs WinterMute | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Younghee | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs tekken chicken | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 감귤밭위물고기 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs HanDing | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 정력왕. | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs †毛根† | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs JaeHyun | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 아스카만하는 사람 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs YUURI | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 長門もいもい Twitch | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 매판화내면서게임함진짜임 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs GEEF | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs kyaBjin | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs king | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 로프반동 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 고구마깡 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs verfire | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs まりお鉄拳6ぶり参戦 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 아무거나막누름 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs S1aN | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 하안동오짬 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 생각날때마다괄약근조이기 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Ravenda85 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs dolce | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 교보문고떡툰도둑 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ムチムチムチの知 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 미미미누사랑해요 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Wasshoy | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 2d격겜으로 따라와봐 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs NO.스타라 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs HRM=STA | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 미오림 시계 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs hyt-_- | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 棗 亜夜 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 오오옳끼옳 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs neverlosemind | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Woong_Moon | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Yasuhiro | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs DPdragon | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs tuna-mayo | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Angel Jin | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ゆづき@ | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 그레고르잠자 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 피그감자 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs AngJuny | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 어둑시니 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs TROOPER Kyoko | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs チョコレート | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs いずみーる | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs KnowCloud | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 딸피아재의맞다끝나는철권라이프 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ddydd | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 별빛s소나기 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Aestheticism | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 철권어린이집 늦깎이 만학도 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs royshong(우미좋아) | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 하람무라 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs TekkenSlayer | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs win788 | 0–3 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs puteo | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs DODOMIHYUN | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 저는세상에서요시가제일싫습니다 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Saga | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 묭 ? 루 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 초보입니다 봐주세요 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs NERO | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs shin4zang | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 콩스입니다 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ユウト@PS5 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ファンタスティックさらさら | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 탱글탱글 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs mako0120 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 투혼 1대1 초보만 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs africamonkey | 0–3 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ぺこたす | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs MESSI of TEKKEN | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 바브켓로더 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Angel Dust | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs シャオユウ推しごっしー | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs kendez | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Sucroro | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Face | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs haraherion | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs raven | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 유민시치 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Rammstein | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Kob` | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs valsan | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 원주콩임 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ニイイヒル | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 한국사람입니다 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs mkplayer | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs BrainMeltKim | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs fujinobu | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs eunsoo05 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 뉴비에오... | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 윾이언맨 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs a또또리 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 오티스씨 이쁘다 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Hemir | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ㅈㅗㅈ밥폴86 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Fast, But Risky | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs netcode | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 카푸치노한잔 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 황인환1 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs pepsi mania | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 丸目蔵人佐 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ギガトロンX | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Nori | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 은슈아빠 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs NoSLACK | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs [VIP] Laventine | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs wakio | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs BP391.X.JS | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Joker | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Bakuo | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 민트초코시리얼국밥맛있다 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Perfcect - 船长 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 빅뻔뻔버프필수 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs OVER FACE | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 魔界ノFaker | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ドルゴルスレン・ダグワドルジ | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 야이꽃등심아 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs DJ DOPE | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Kunimitsu | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Amane | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs bok1nam | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Redgrave | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 캔디바는맛있어 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs jwjung | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs tyoparunzzz | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs DropKicker | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs SyangNom | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs nomazde | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Cafe Umamusume | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs gloomy good bye | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 해바라기 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 아무거나스안가리고스마구머거스 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 알까기인형 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Achax | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 真・いか神~極~ | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ZX4RR | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs citron | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs mangking | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs KUCHI | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs こうしえん | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Michi | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Inbo | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ゴリラ24 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 싱글벙글즐겜유저 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 내캐말고다사기캐임 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 에헤이...죠졌네 이거 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 아산 백호 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs _KM_ | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Whitewing | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Gorani | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs atyukan | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ghost | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ioroi 123 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 축산우족 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 따뜻한토피넛라떼 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs cexking | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs こぶいち | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 당신같은남자를기다려왔다우 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ちだっち | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs vmx12 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 정의의사도 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs まんぞう | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs apac | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs KAMIKAZE | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 夜桜@youtube | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 원원원 중독자 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs lui_kr | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs service | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 격겜초보멍곰 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs (゚∀゚)アヒャ | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs バッキバキ.DA | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs シャドウ | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 상원이ㅇㅇ | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ZIMA | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs umeboshi | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ULTRA-FREAK | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 필포동이 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs rumcoak | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs soxs | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Showtime-竹内条条 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs RadiantAn「MSD」 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs otocin@kuni6 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs tako-san | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs batoo | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 쀼삐뽀빼뽀 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 星之所在m | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs antman | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 배도라지 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Mujon | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Shinitch | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs perfect-Lek | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs @よしお | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs NeSHIN | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Lyric | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Rilllla | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs XIX19 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Cnvi | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs maga | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs aosy | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ブライト君 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ISEU | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs xijinping | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 全日本もう帰りたい委員会 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs KING | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs まるであ | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs U WOT | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Steamdeck User. | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs haru | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs METALLIZER | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs USIM | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs ゆいんゆいん | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs リオン・ロム Vtuber | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs GURUtk | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Fut13910 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs choaran | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs 아드캐드 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 4RKLK | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs alpha84 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 재미있는 | 3–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs koeteku | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs toto103 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 초풍이안나가 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs よしみつブレード | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs przk | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 나기야22 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs Macgeunriger | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs 뚜리장군 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs KHANIRIDY | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs victoryiron | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs NAVANA | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs ノーガードマン | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Bandplace vs V8!! | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Bandplace vs Valentino | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 팔악검이계신장마허라 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Haedol | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Rege | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 철권의아이돌럭키를돌려다오 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 드리프트 킹 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Miko_nyan | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Feonix | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ommcha | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs oniku | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Dakeshima_Japan | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs I hate murray | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 므돌았나 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Nike | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs qweasd | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Snowleaf | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs にゃっんこーきっく | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 2Ryu | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs clover823 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs dodos27 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Taid | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Iwazaruscof | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs vetas | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs RUDY | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ImAggro | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Bandit | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs eerie | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Daebeom | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 너랑 안해 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Estella | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 슈우퍼츼킨 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs sjzjd | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs まさかり担いだ菌 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs Bunny_Rabbit730 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs powl | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs エムロード | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs Kim_Molang | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Broken8TonTruck | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Salmon_Chobaaab | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs sbhaxjq | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs てっか-えほう | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 통발통발통발 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs serafino | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 희발씨찬이형 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 걸어다니는고구마 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 할머니때리기 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs ミグ先生 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs he the 3 style | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 炭酸レモン | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs GOJING | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 헤이,하치 날 좀 성장시켜줘 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs OvERhERE | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs kushi | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 레오는 먹고살기 힘들다 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs ふらんそわるとん | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs joker | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Zlain | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Zhdnjs | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Bistt | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 아재의 최종병기 붕권 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs uemrats | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs KING | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs MintChoco | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs へたっピ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs huhuhyo | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ㅤ장대ㅤ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Terrorist | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Andrew | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 피르티아 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 킹에 진심인 남자 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs Sawol_Hwoarang | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs sena | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Lavender | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 오리둥절 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Copybara | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 들박MASTER | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 철권처음해봐요 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 포도배추수박오이비트가지가슴 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 분노의신달킥 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs KiD'eGo | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 다음콜라보파판13라이트닝 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs HWA TOO WEAK | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs Low_High | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs DDaDaN | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 비겁구름 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 負けDOG | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs beakjonghun | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs バカも休み休みyeah! | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs wasaera | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Hoya | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 정말 불경한 게임이다 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs **** | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs HANDMADE COOKIE | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs ZeroPepsi | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 네모바지스폰지 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs underdog | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 플루초_ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs meivers | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 맑음 뒤 흐림 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 더블클릭 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs momonyan111 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ropas | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs はるはるーむ | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 디제이쿠파 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Bonyetian | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 육개장진라면스파게티 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs LofSupErB | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Aingbug | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 갓겜가보자 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs MOJYA | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Black Nox | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs u-10 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 매그내릭~ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 향촌깡패 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs TK | 囧 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs raal | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs TutoMitsu | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 범고래파 허춘삼 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs snagwei | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs greentable | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 뽕브라(?) | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Tefnut108 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 폴해봣습니다 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Age.49 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 화랑을미워하지마세요 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 정정당당 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Dr.Boskonovich | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs hongbro | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Giang | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs GOMIBAKO | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs RoaringBear | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Martan Shave | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 갓 스카 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 제발살살좀때려봐배우게 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 도발충만나면랜뽑함 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 클라이브=꺼져 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ThanosRight | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ZouZou | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs lazy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs TrashGame | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ririn | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Hardy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 마왕님만세 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs fried_egg | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs hikorudo | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Hubuki | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 경대플래닛 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 한방에주님곁으로 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 시작파크 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 두 목 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Dr. Panda | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 원투쓰리포 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs ztmy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs METAPO | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Kotin | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 초풍싫어요 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs やまとーる/yamatoll | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs ㄱ+오+ㄴ | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs CAYDE | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs garam117 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs purin | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs OrangeDang | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 둘기라네 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs DecaTEN | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Kpine | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs KUNIMITSU Plz | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs GoAway | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Hanaca | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs aaaaa | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs mate | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 물은2리터씩 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 먹다만붕어빵 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs とーほく | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs mittak | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs all right | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Rojaria | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs JeTT | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs POSTEN | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs LAEVATEIN | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs まなげ! | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Noctis | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs クライヴおもんないから消せ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 에헤리디아 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 호박펀치 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Aethuda | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs カスケード | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 최강정진 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs SUNSET | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Crimson Chin | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 중복된 도전자_AI | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 스윗뚱남*BOB*돌려다오ㅠ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 우리곰은사람을찢어 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs SGX | Muteki | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 미스터 회장님 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs 三日月ぽん | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 철8입문 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs bockshun2 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs hideto-323 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 怪盗リリ | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 89NE | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 石炭くん | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Ponge_mania | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs REXTON | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs -단조- | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 불건전지 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Buppazen1 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs カイトをフォローした人 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 평화동 피바다 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 「空弥」 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Bukmop | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs Choyeonss | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 아잠깐뼈맞았어 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs おいなりさん | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs 사신제엠 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs TEKKEN | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs MEKKNIGHT135 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs BBKingdom | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 50years | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 三島一八 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs エターナルたくや | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs minrepublack | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs しぐzx | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs DonMusyalini | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 雨宮レン | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Bandplace vs UbaldoMastini | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Numiyaaaaaa | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Clue1ess | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 떡을 내뿜게 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs OOOO | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Bandplace vs ふふふふ | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs 겨울이비숑 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs rhema | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Bandplace vs Beijing丨Day | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Showing 500 opps.