IndicaLover420 vs Samurai stoner | 2–2 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Mighty main | 2–2 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs RZEZ | 0–4 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Reyloc | 1–3 | 25.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kr0h | 2–2 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs AgroAsian | 3–1 | 75.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ev4ng | 0–4 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Peezus Christ | 1–3 | 25.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs HaloGzzTTV | 2–2 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs £uriel | 3–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Potato129 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs MeezLaFlare | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Comacho94 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Carlos | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Will_slay | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Fire house | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs CapRell | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Daddy221 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs MalMakesMotion | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kisosi | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Garagon | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Gezm | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Noodle | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Akamaru | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs NoHeart22 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs AgniKoi | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Vicious92 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Phantom Menace | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs MugenTheSeeker | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs ASCEND | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Gwar-Deth | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Endy_Sinkai | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs BlueTips_9 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Grab kwon do | 0–3 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Tentetra | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Spark | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Dasalli100 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs MoldyBread | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Killakong1358 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Reinas husband | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs SquirtBender | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs RadKarma | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Tofu | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Immram Runa | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs C.Daddy | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Carnage6 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Dreamer | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs DeadmannE | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Khayrizzle | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs OG-GHOST-757 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Odin | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs CrimsonSon | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs StonerGaming_TV | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs Natalia | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs S1lent_Fate | 3–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ravioli Tony | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs RevvedUp55 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs Balinlesavage | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs mojeet | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs TopBoy | 1–2 | 33.33% |
IndicaLover420 vs ThisMyJam | 2–1 | 66.67% |
IndicaLover420 vs BreakingSasuke | 0–3 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Derek | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BabaYaga999 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Roronoa Zoro | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs AokijiCold | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs CookieClutch | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kdawg504 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sidney Bateman | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BloodMoonLycan | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ConsequencesONG | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs @TrentyyX | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs cboy9987 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs LiveShrimp | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Nemesis | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jawzseakingz | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs MilkyGalaxy675 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Aj1x | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs jumbo_jack23 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Neito | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Tetsu Dancho | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Schmecle3 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Peltier | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Xeon109 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs TOPH BEIFUNK | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs kittenmel | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs SSjay | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DruryLnAssassin | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs spurk | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Zain | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Deadshot | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sifu_Jackson | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Nah, I'd win | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Mono | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Preme Wick | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Zetez | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ManaJun | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs esekram | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs From_734 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Smiley | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs InsaneOnii | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs KR0N0S | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sogeking | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Onemanonearm | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ninjackson | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lethal | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sheeplessnites | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Heyvok | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ADHChronicler | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ThatHindzGuy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Octosnake | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ThankHank | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs xDeity | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shteve | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Phoenix | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs 00Jay | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Quagmire | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sagi999 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kingartlj | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lotus | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs LCurry | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ace1_Ace1 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs AntiSocialSai | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lila | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ZombieSmack | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jacobeyy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs RowenPritchard | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jin Mori | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lancelop | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lucc E Bear | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs This Is The Way | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Osmarchito | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Manlymcbeefing | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs KJRight12 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs LoadedCool | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs MoonsaultSlayer | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ZTH|Kandi | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Asmadeos | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs yuckmyself | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DrSupermonk | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Benji | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Tuli | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs FLAME DRAGON | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs chic0cheeks | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DomeBay33 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Noctis | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Macaroon | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shrek | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Goodtimes | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shosen | 1–1 | 50.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs JestKeepGaming | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Gregicide | 0–2 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs FURY | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs sweet_rain808 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Vodsklounse | 2–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Basedslickster2 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jdawg | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ¤ASUKA:PROUD¤ | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs SHONUFF$420 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Azteco | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Unknown | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs SensaiNostalgia | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Gumball23 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ICHIBOYJAKE | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Colonel$tack$ | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Rikko | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Violetkami | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs asapxbry | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs TiMe | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs SupremeBear | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Battoman | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Faceless | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs FGC Calgary | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DeeR3AL | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs RFYLOS | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs TheSchizoBenzo | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Volrin Valerian | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Relax bro... | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Javonchy | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs TheGuy | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs King Tyro | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Takai | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs N8strength | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BlindMelon | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Taigaiden81 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lando_San | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Thicc | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Snubby | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Chief Toad | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs TheyNotLikeUs | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs 4manUp | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Bard | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jonerman | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jfresh | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs xKAI-G | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Deadly Shots | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs vvsSparSetter | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BigZ6262 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ROCKMAN | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs UltaEros77 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Eetherr4lWAYZ | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Harriet_tubman | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BeaDaBeaz | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Noir | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Star | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Mishima Player | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kilik | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Peewee | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Maddmuad | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs KingJace | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs LeekMyBowls | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs AsianBoi5 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs King | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Saiieno | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs David | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ALONE | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Butter Dog | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BM_knockout | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs AfroSamurai | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Yuuuu | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs A51-Sabotage | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Dr. Synd | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Killagoku | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DatzSteveFox23 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DeadShot | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Bboy Ace | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Photo for free | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs IronPat75 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Asyr | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ZXgenesis4 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ProGen | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Santana Peoples | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ZabooELmAFUU | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Najee | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs I love my wife | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Daemos | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Master Mc Crock | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Agony | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Paydayday | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Porky | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Heav3nsREaper | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs UmbraBeats | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kongolo | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs *Jaguar Noise* | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs MDI_20 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ItzJacobi | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Valentine#@ | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Blackhammmer09 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Sparkles | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ashikaga | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs KillerLUM777 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs trodez23 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Oakleaf | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs PurplePablo | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs The dmeon | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jae d4 wrecker | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Alemax | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Cozmmick | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs JukeEmLew | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Noob95 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BIGJEMI | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs LowerDefinition | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DarkHorse | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Crazydad_82 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs D E E Z | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Graveyardfoo | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs E55ENSE | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Flu_Gazzii | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Pastele_de_yuca | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Wheels92 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Moomoo | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shawndotoomuch | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Evil_ASUKA64 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Ghost | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ROBB | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs KITSENKAI | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs JayGwapZ | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Mrwalkemdown49 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jess | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DeepInDatAss69 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Blazeking | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Demonscull875 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Wolf | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Dreku5h | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Duvity | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs SaucyRage | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shocko | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs XristieMonteiro | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs IceBear | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs NLMB_Lyn2x | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Rancid | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs JM4N99 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Peter | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Emodeen | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs MonstaUnknown | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Demon king | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs NobouNosol | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs COE tO LITt | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Nabs | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Jim Ping-Pong | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Bootietickler69 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ExsoIII | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Rednight288 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Bill | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs N1GHTH0WL3R | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Vambit | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Swamp Thing | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs EdgeBikki | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs anneifrankedit | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Armednloaded13 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ubaldo_uva | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs EVIL JIM | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DNDnerdo | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Death | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Divine | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Lou St student | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs optimusdag | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Shadowbyrd | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Bludgin | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs The Dragon24 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Moe$MoeProblems | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Gfamily6 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs BruceLeroy | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Akosa86 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs No Toxicity plz | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs chaulesNOOO | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs flowersyrup | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs [[[]]]^^^ooo | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Christianb23 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Andre | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Kool-Brick | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Watson3w | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Fan Service is$ | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Vickalodeon | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs DaOppStoppa | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Niner faithfull | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Mishimalover^_^ | 0–1 | 0.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Glass | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs Teemob_Da_Truth | 1–0 | 100.00% |
IndicaLover420 vs ButEye'mNice2 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Found 340 opps.