Voltecite vs Flame | 3–3 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Gigglin | 2–3 | 40.00% |
Voltecite vs KirikoThighJobz | 4–1 | 80.00% |
Voltecite vs JGIVHAN98 | 1–3 | 25.00% |
Voltecite vs Tynado | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs joey | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Josiman03 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Chrishansen | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs JunO | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs BIZON | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs zZeraphim | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Hydro | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Rezlam | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs TilLakeover | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs TTV/MikelAL93 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Cypher | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Mekka | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Pipe You Later | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs MonkeyD | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Mugiwara | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs B!G R€Z | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs KthDonnie | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Samerito | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs (*.*) | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Derpinator9001 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs .ONI. | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs vNode | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs dingus | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Yasuke | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Kazuya Mashima | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Topher | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs DioStandoe | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs MrGSP0T | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs BIG NINO MAN | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Oka- | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Xehangetsu | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Lazarus | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Anaxteon | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs xStoicJoker | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs urinator | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs dbostick | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Jaylock | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Random man | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Veritaseraph | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Blue | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs DINOSAURA | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs AstaYunoNoelle | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs knurled | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs DiscountTherapy | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Trinity | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs NeonSpectre | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Marauder | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Buff Lars | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs TFPanduhTTV | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Visionary_LIVE | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs DAT BOI! | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Spartan_warri24 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs SkyeDoll | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Chayveez | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs EzyInsanity | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs SG main? | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Drylake_Drummer | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs HugeBigFrogWow! | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Majin Blue | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Jvzxn Wvttz | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Thanatos | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs theDiscoSpider | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs LosDaRipsta | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs C?ay | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Jimbo910420 | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs bigonake | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs KGB90 | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Mazgattaraza | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Tekken8 Player | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Ashton | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Ghostblvr | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs GUHNZ | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Evergreen | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs HoppaMurat | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs babloo | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs HNREP | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Seedphoto | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs PequeXD | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Darepa | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs DivineLaw | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Mrjkr | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs AsasinB4wascool | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs AsBut | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs starboardkayla | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs Tapp | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Tafarii | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs TanKinkajou | 1–2 | 33.33% |
Voltecite vs Wordplay _Timmy | 2–1 | 66.67% |
Voltecite vs skeletonmango | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PhrostSpectR | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Clover | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs ShaggyPapers | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Hades | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TuneUp2Bb | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs jarva | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Kami | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Lunakey13 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Ferithan | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs palkia vmike | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs YumApple | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PoppedSenzu | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs iTrez | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Ashura | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs AFreakingDuck | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs gondee | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Ramza | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Woodboogie | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs ALTF4 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Unleashed | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs YTDEADZOMBIEFOX | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs RisingJericho | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Kycin | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs UnbuffBane | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs D.Eagle | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Parte | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Rapt0r Xo | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs KingKaiser | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Discover902 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Novom | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Lone Wolf Type | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Rasco30 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SicParvisM | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs zerxy | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Noodlz | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Xoqy-_- | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs inev1table | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs SQuinty | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs JRecluse | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Wuke | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Valentine#@ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Piggy | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TLGKrazy | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs McKay_y | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Redphoenix | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs lxrdgriz | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Angel | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Obilix | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs BiggTucc | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs King Wizard | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Bibulus | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Lowlife | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs FricknVon | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Baoser | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Hecklebot | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Calicab | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs The Extreme G | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Greatest K | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs @GoatWRLD | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Claireクレア | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs LightSpd Shinji | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Medusa_Crow | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs max contract | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Shrimp | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs All Might | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Slipperykicks | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SirGimpy | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Larry | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs StoicDragon | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs kennymm | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Higashi | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Slimreeper912 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Achieve | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs TREE | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs CovCat | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Speedycrib935 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Burnt_Antt | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Skibidi Sigma | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Beige | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Saiyansurvive | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs UNDFTD | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Trae | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs [100] | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Stuggerson | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs crown | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Freak of dojima | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Chopper | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs QuietStorm805 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs BulkyStinkBalls | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TTV Tek__Neek | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Gbomb2215 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Sinbad | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs V1beSDV | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Pookie | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs moopgoop | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs himehhh | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs fiddlehorn69 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Maiden_of_Kills | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Huey Polaris | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Sashimi | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs TubbinSauce | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs D-OO7 | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs its1up | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs kbctr | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Feint | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Vincent55 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Ellayna | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Doondy | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Lightly Salted | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs XtheEntergamer | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Knee grow | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Namco6969 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TREEZ47 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Šïïï | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Joeyy | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Chamaquito18 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs DownRize | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs SpiderMantality | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs zerokaze | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SharkMoogle | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SirMilkDuddly | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Kdante02 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs GOLDEN ASHES | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Aleph | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PhoenixPNGVT | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs IsAaCKILLS | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs drew4456 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs WARRIOR | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Where is Lei? | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Peter | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Mcnuggets | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Seanathan | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs King_Taco | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs AMLeo | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Miso | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Djreaper | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs ChromeHeartsKio | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Twentystreet | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Crispe | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs bob just bob | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs NAH, I'D LOSE | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Givemeachance | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs King Escee | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs HigherQ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Sylar | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TTV/mrRAGERs | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Ntrotts | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Moawad | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Boey | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Metalmeg911 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs BeefBurrito | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Yoc67 | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SteelGrip05 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Scotty12 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs ZANDATSU | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs El_Minuano | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs DemonicLo69 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PRIMVS | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Nosferatu | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Montoli | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs DripCoin | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs KILLMONGER | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs BreakingSasuke | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs H3lla Fyn3 | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs TwistedDOOM | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs SÕZÕ RYŪŌ | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Raxem | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs CRANKLRD | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Karl | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TrueStories™ | 2–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Stretch | 0–2 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs DesiChaa | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Ure Final Boss | 1–1 | 50.00% |
Voltecite vs Damion714rev | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs CrispyNimbus | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs BigMo | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs NoBless | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs ElementalPhoenx | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Gremlin-Maniac | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Levy | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs buggJC | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs 444TUT444 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PorkyPing | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs DoonTG | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Gunlance Switch | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Tytehcreator | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Sneaky Macledon | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs GTBKATO | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Talkingwithcups | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Hypnos | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs rudezaeg | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs JuYL | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs NotSoSpicyBuns | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TTV | Its_Flee | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs HughJaynus | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs ew its a masher | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Rivu | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Windycityboy | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs ZTH| Meow Meow | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Williedex | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Galore | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs LettingU Win | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs SLYK | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Electric Demon | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs RxVon | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Kuru | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs topre | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs AlvaroUS216 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs DarkDragonXIII | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Eanraig | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Shin_13 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Lebronthekidd | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Viz Seasonz | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs GordanPalmer | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Kmb wolf pack | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs WatchYaShins | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs NovaKing | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs PandaMeeku | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs TTV @diorsoup | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Maine | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Mushoku10sei-Tv | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs dechoi | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Dvj=Trash | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs MRBEATYOA55 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Uhavenochance09 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Rylop | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs alico | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Crazy! | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Freaky Possum | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Shamwow | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs HeihachiLives | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Avarice | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs izunes | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Thebigianthead | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Drswizzy | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs glob | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Deepsleep96 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs U_wont_getit | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs TTGJOSH78 | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs Z4f1r0 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs EwSmallTekken | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Voltecite vs smaJ | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Subject 0X1 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Readeal79 | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs Swisher | 0–1 | 0.00% |
Voltecite vs CoachDaRoach | 1–0 | 100.00% |
Found 340 opps.