Wavu Wank

TEKKEN® 8 glicko2 Ratings &
Online Ranked Statistics


PrestoSauce vs DrValentine 6–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Kazuya 3–1 75.00%
PrestoSauce vs Wack 2–2 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs Y'all Might 1–3 25.00%
PrestoSauce vs MnkyNuttsKudd 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs How2BeBad 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Victor 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs TheeEricV 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Tezthewise 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Fresca 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Lubsol 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Chonchi 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Doom 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Speed&Weight 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Chromial 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs THUNDER MAN 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs OneWingedChickN 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs AjDrizzle 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs 나의이름은머구 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Eclipse 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Nocturniz 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs HolyGrailOfLag 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs arthritis 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Vrexlock 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs DeltaShadowPheo 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs SpiderSausage 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs JUGG 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs crunchy sock 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs CornerGinger 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs ttaex 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Scooch 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Deyy 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Ghost 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Swayzo 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Yatty 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Lost98 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs ericb 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Ness 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Smotteh 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Godhand 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs theODjoint 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Zetsu 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs SoupaCoop 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Chadhaz34 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Woogiedoo 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs Ecchi_d 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Idri_No3 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs HokutoNoCrawfis 2–1 66.67%
PrestoSauce vs Rocketsled73 1–2 33.33%
PrestoSauce vs vWinterrz 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Sweaty Krueger 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs JoeyMiMi 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Killerin54321 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Alfie 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs TTvThatBrother2 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs lusso 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Aciics 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs SYRE 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs JetskiiCarr 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs aols 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs PapaDex 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Mbeezy 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Joyboy 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Nah, I'd win 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs JTMayhem 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Pseika 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Congo Jack 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs SupaflyFiji 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Oiled 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Seargant Gutter 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs eli123546 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Nojthechef 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs wezin 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs PanchoRich5 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs GoblinTheSnails 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Jiruchi 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Cohbainn 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Sam Marin(Real) 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs exk4 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs NyleRivers 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Tae KTK 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs DreAmKilL@ 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Sandman 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs MrMango 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs dogman 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs RayCrisis 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs 1badrapscallion 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Albel 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs gigachadtrox 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs gioza 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs NYSD 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs EvolutionPirago 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Pluto 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs The Nega Chin 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Ajth3one 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs NIGHTWOLF1661 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs SiL. 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Yulti 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs TTVItszayzay2 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Nazo 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs TheDream 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs DRTY Dan 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs FUTURE 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs ttv/JohnWowCool 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs VIP1 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Creedbeats 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Madss 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs KazamaFan 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Thunderdex 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Legendary-Force 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Spookshow 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Yyler 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs KilikMaxi 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs DOARetr0 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs doryah 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs KContraband 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Daniel 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Minus13onBlock 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Borz 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs MackwithCy 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Godparticle 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs LongPPjunior 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Ryuu 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Firefly 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs Zhypherus 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs HeisterMeister 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs KnightedMagus 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Mokujin 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Swift Legs 08 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Cannon 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs §LongShot§ 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs GAMECUBE CNTRLR 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs colinsparx 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Sir Law 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Nate 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs ca11m3Q 0–2 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Luissen 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs TXCGLOU 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs chaos 1–1 50.00%
PrestoSauce vs WD545 2–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs KingKamelTo3 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Morado 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Winnie the pooh 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Tenshi 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs LiftedFir 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs ket9 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs joeixd 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs TheSlonkatron69 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Da_One 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs mbarnweezy 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Mint 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Osamu 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Prince jugram 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Pho Real 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Ambercrown 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Swagunov 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Bear 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Badvibezz 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs ILoveJun 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs goku 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Muad'Dib 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs LeviWeston 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs AngelGARd 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Machine 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs HomerSimpson 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs SoiBean 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Omari 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Gojo 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs TOOMUCHDOG 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Larry King 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs ComradeComrade 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs ImmortalPK 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs chucks 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs PaulEdwardCole 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs DeeCee 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs JML11 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs tromboss2 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Jalenmac 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Dandanhasko 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs El_Rèy 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs HoloBolo 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Sheriff40_ 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Soda Popinski 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs rowdy6inch 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs SENORREGULAR 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Montyq 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs GodLVLmonster 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Zay. 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs XHexVampGhoulX 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs QuanFu_ 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs SlaydenHD 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Gusdabus13 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Max Goose 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Bobo Fuggsnucc 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs fein? 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Doc Boons 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Heihachijac4547 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Kurama 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Rymann 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Silver Fang 1–0 100.00%
PrestoSauce vs Tilan16 0–1 0.00%
PrestoSauce vs Messytaco 0–1 0.00%

Found 202 opps.