Wavu Wank

TEKKEN® 8 glicko2 Ratings &
Online Ranked Statistics


The_legend_5544 vs KAZUYA 7–4 63.64%
The_legend_5544 vs Monolith 2–8 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs VNX I Xain 6–4 60.00%
The_legend_5544 vs synin 6–4 60.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SOULISH0 1–8 11.11%
The_legend_5544 vs BODH 5–4 55.56%
The_legend_5544 vs - V - 7–2 77.78%
The_legend_5544 vs Side Training 1–8 11.11%
The_legend_5544 vs Ambatukken 3–6 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs kebrea 8–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DARK776 1–6 14.29%
The_legend_5544 vs Oni / Kaizen 5–2 71.43%
The_legend_5544 vs Funny Valentine 3–4 42.86%
The_legend_5544 vs oj-15 3–3 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Akuma 2–4 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Husam 3–3 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs daddy's home 1–5 16.67%
The_legend_5544 vs HAMOODBUFFON 2–4 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Parry Enjoyer 2–4 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Raiden 6–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FAISAL 0–6 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ORTHOS 3–3 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MBRK 4–2 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Bolingg8T 4–2 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Ape escape 2 2–4 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs NAMOSH 4–2 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Roby 6–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Arthur 1–5 16.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Abu Basel 3–2 60.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Lordmeti 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Suki 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs PHD-Punisher 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Knight Kazama 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs dragon 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Here we go 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs KingKongMoe 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Adam smasher 4–1 80.00%
The_legend_5544 vs vegeta 4–1 80.00%
The_legend_5544 vs S.O.M 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Marshall Kenway 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Spark 1–4 20.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Crimson Thunder 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs The Ship 2–3 40.00%
The_legend_5544 vs akoozh 3–2 60.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ShyTeddyPoo 3–2 60.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kimo 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TK99 3–1 75.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Midori 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Usama 2–2 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs RaveYard 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs HAWKEYEBOII 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Qmalek 0–4 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs VNX I Xain.- 2–2 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs P.Phoenix 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs YSSR 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Pencil 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Morggot 0–4 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Taleb hasan 2–2 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs M_FOX_598 0–4 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Reversal KO 0–4 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs EternalKishin 1–3 25.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Twitch/TRaAaPS 1–3 25.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Meeod3 4–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Trollarr 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs BringAnnaBack 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs SD7CR7 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs KayKayKay 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Dante 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs so7e 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs IronTager 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Meow 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Kawish 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs om23 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Timi 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs بتر تشيكن 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs MoDaMax 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Sakuragi 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Slom.ksa1YT 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs PARAGONIC 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs DHIYAA 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Mcnugget 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs irabi3i 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Orahra 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs AegisFred 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs MiniMoonMan 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Anterus 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs 8COA 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Storm 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs outiir 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs DarkWing-ZERO 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs TFblast 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs SB.vergilo 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs KiyotakaElite 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Phillaido 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs PHILOSOPHER 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs TRJ | Al 3siri 0–3 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Max zaman 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs JESSICA 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Uzair 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Nino 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Lowtier yoshi 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Pixel Warden 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs FG4Monster 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs ASh_K4N3KI 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs clongz 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Snaaaaaaake!!!! 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Hatim 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs GangstaParadise 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs MightyHead 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Dragon Warrior 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs VNX | Edaciti 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Godfather 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Gensuii 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs XAsg9 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Painkillr 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Mesho56r 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs المدمر 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs CrzmoVI 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Tired 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs الزعيم الكبير 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs lilmxo 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs TTEACH 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs AbuSaad 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs lilithmon8 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs vega 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Yuta :) 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Jack1301 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs كبتن محمد نووو 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs F74- 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs THE MILKY LORD 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs alcoholic 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Twitch Dmc_0 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs salehkd 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs wendythefighter 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs xnucklex 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs انا هو 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Zozo bakhsh 3–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs a7mmed779 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs It'sTEE 3–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SQUIRREL76 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Doll 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Junny bear 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Ghost 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Pushoff 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs RouzeN 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs GrayFox 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs TheDiplomist 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Eddief97 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs speedDemon 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Fujimi 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Cerik 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs [Tehs]Abdulaziz 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs sgtMogi 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Eyezo 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs i hate DLC'S 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Agabdulaziz 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Qash 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs black leg 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Prince$$ ego 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs قاهر الشهوات 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs يزيد 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Solid Snake 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Nadirfury 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Sun wukong 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs DarkGhosty 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Roghni Naan 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs FückHihichi.!. 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs ZOOM 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs CURSE YOU BAYLE 0–3 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Exord 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs TRJ| Kenpachi 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs upper moon 1–2 33.33%
The_legend_5544 vs Top10FGPlayerPK 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Al4a 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Maelo-14 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs BaDr 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs TkSultan 2–1 66.67%
The_legend_5544 vs Mahucha 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs هاكونا ماتاتا 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Rotsu 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SmeVel 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MH101 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ga7e 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs K01_ZimoLimo 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DarkNefiln 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MH3__ 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mighty Zenger 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Viski 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ابو هادي 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs KAL-KAREEM 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Pitou 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Amogus 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Laantiman 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs AHMED_ALSAIF7 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs aloooyagent47 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kid-BaKa 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Erron 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FightClubQ8 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs weko 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SmokyCheese 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ☆-HUNTER-☆ 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs zora(انيق) 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs C4511-RAVEN 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Chills1122 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs 死×_× 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Brhadoh 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs AWAMIs 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DeathLight 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs franchesco 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mshari 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs REIV 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ChunChunMaru 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Ever_Delight 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Ace1 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Big Hero 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Akuma 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs BuyCable 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Abu 50/50 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Natax 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DrAgOnZ 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DOOD_E 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Celestia 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs BLACSTUNE 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Dragon_D_Nuke 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs NAMELESS 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Ya5er_b00m 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Dr.Livesey 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs BAD_GUY 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Seraphid 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs dahaam 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs بديع الزمان 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Zohaib 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TRJ | Chrollo 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Phantom14 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs hamzaza 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs CURSE YOU MIDIR 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs StopBlameDragun 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SpeedKnees 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ELBOW 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs BHLOOL 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Babanın_oğlu_ke 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Rosary 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Noma 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs grabin 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MaXwell 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Ak1yat0 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs XQtionR 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Alii 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs يمكن! 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FrostNova 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs zeus 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs oMaDriDz 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Aramxslayer 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs azbno! 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs عللي 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kuolema 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kamado-tanjiro 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Anaconda 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs M7md 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kruger 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs HAROON 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs KORTA_X 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs toji 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs hahahayes 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Skeleton Bones 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Jimmy 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Dont duck. 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DarkFire 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs abu hassan 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs JustChilling 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Glory 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MASON 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Jarrah 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SE7EN 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs alashtar 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Raynooor 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs IRTS | Sif 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FTT-Hashaam 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Eventualsoup616 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs AleMex 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs osos3amohom 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ExpiredDengo 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Adeeb 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs وليد 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ENHANCED STATE 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Light 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Beck 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mehdi 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DX451 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TRJ | AmeeNoh23 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs al-mojrem-22 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs xiexie 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs samikhancr7 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Dragonslayer 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs D7oom_087 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs OEyAD0o 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mirza Sijawal 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ارمين 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Wonder 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs [TTG]Zero 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs uncle D 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kurayami 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Cristian21Cris 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Schizophrenic62 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kiyotaka 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs iQ-999 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mesh3lxis 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ZORO 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TNiiD 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ALI. 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Xstar 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs kirito 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Shinez 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ohakamii 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs The Dark Knight 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs اندومي جح 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs livohim 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs RajuGentleman 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs yamiyogami 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Negan 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs عزيز 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FistvanDeath 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Stream Test 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs R3d_L1ghtn1ng 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ALEMBRATOR 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TheAlphaAJ 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SnowXIII 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs M7___ 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DFGH 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs JIMMIS 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Notyourdad 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs .RGS 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Aleas 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs OneTimeBigTime 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FBA-1 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SandMan 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DanTe 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Ghost 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs عبدالعزيز 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Tyrant360 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Hadi 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SUPER DUPER ME 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs CrimsonBorne 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Tony 91 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Walter 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Parallax Theory 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs EXCEPTION | YT 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Medo 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Yusuf 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Zivl 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs qRanpo 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Joryu 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Abunnos 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Makucula82 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs RiverDark 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs jvzi_77 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SAIBRSAW 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Asfandyar 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SuperSaudiSiraj 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs الافضل 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TVfXQ_Soul 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs zed211 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SULTAN 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs iTZz_7MoOoD 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs IhateRichPeople 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MR ZORRO 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DevilFaisal 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Drki 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs KARMA 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ---- 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs VO1D 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs NinaMashima 2–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Baylethedread 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ANAS 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Vejinta 0–2 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Plusframes1 1–1 50.00%
The_legend_5544 vs وليد 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs !!!! 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Fayx_faxmachine 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SiiLvEr1- 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs _Lucky_Luktor_ 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs iVRGL 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs marquis Wen 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DEAF_24 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs 2FIQ 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs thrill 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs belf4gor10 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Bagira_07 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Gyro 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs FlameEmperor 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs fmuss432 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Zark8_fury 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mlaon 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs don electric 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Pain 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SHYKnees 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Faris 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Legion86 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Who cares 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Kitatemedelante 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs فان تايلور سوفت 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ('_') 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DuluriKuluri 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs error405 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs CR7 عمك 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs akan 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SMASH 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ALDA 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Gabry75000 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Lonerrr 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Its Joudah 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs TIQ|iz 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Tamo 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Spartan 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs RichRoach 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Sexy Nicotine 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Giog 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs rR_aKa_Od 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ........ 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Pecz 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Fiennesy 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs RELAX 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Uchiha krauser 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs LEON7 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs kiryu 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Extinguisher376 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs IP MAN 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Fernando-ghost 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs al shehri40 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs KAIOH//ZEN 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MarchutsMogatsh 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs عليمي 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs سعود 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Irtiza-12 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Mohammedx24 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs S90x 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Arslan Ahsan 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs I'mOnlyHuman 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs nagumo 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs AHMED 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MasterJudo 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Toji 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs iz4rc 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Bold 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs PSMIMO 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs VNX | Sayed 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SILVESTRE_007 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs MOAZZAM JP 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Donquixote 0–1 0.00%
The_legend_5544 vs DevilFury 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Flw. 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SHREWD 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs Zaraki11 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs ( N ) 1–0 100.00%
The_legend_5544 vs SPHC Gaming 0–1 0.00%

Found 455 opps.