Wavu Wank

TEKKEN® 8 glicko2 Ratings &
Online Ranked Statistics


TheBradPad vs etos 5–3 62.50%
TheBradPad vs iXWhySoSeriousX 5–3 62.50%
TheBradPad vs Bodega Kazuya 3–3 50.00%
TheBradPad vs TheDingly1 2–4 33.33%
TheBradPad vs King Julian 3–2 60.00%
TheBradPad vs Jdizzle 3–2 60.00%
TheBradPad vs BlameItOnKJ 4–1 80.00%
TheBradPad vs V3_JT 2–3 40.00%
TheBradPad vs Tekken 8 3–2 60.00%
TheBradPad vs Smasha 3–2 60.00%
TheBradPad vs Dazai 4–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Squilliam 3–1 75.00%
TheBradPad vs mm_villain 4–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Rumbl3R3ck0n1ng 2–2 50.00%
TheBradPad vs LaTray 2–2 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Ximmy 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs BBL Grizzly 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs SalmonMaster 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Clair 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Overider 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs BlueNoClue 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs CoffeeSpam 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs LowBear 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs darkhearts01ttv 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs LemonKase 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Maven 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs yunghiro 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Baron West 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs zaedia 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Acelin 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Sleepwalk 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Gokipwn 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs BofaDeezBaggins 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs S-Assassin 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Eclipse0 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Thunderbudyy 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Kaizoku 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs PrimeDank 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs NoOneSpecific 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Silent Seraph 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Smoke_Detector 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Creezy 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs ViperDriver 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Neoshogun 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs NineOne 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs P-Jay 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Your Local YN 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs cmillion 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs ShoryukenPizza 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Mahira 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs kai_generations 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs TG Walk-Em'Down 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs LordMafia2490 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Knythiey 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs José Luis 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Clin 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Jimmy Falco 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs DragonFruity2D 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Meern 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs SoloBeBoosting 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Stigma 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Vyzuro 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs epic 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs JaydenJuiceman 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Justgamer6472 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs BETONHAKARI 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs LlamaYoMamas 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs BillyUpB 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Schueremann 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs ChasedCRUZ 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs luckyjj 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Marlon 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs SPEDPLAY5 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Gouki 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs KaitoDX1 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Lord N Icon 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs ReduGravu 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs HOODEDSHINOBI 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Saint Blade 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs PUNISHER 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Zay12 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Hello Monkeys 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Matsuo Reinke 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Slug 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Harry Squatter 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs NoddinOffFent 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs VenomAshuraCero 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs UDontWantSmoke 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs LandinnSamurai 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Bruhderrr 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Yohko 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Earth 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs LanaDelTae 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Degod 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Maestro 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs ilovemygf100 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Relic 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs durrplants 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs phoenixwrightac 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs JBC6382 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs UwuDeezNewtz 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Thesasquatch 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs PAWGPUNISHER 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs pattyrat 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Makaveli 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs MUSHIKERAGA 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Tomahawk23144 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Free Guav 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Unchained 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs KO311 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs BAGOOOOSH 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Nomad 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Truebear 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs FlamesEmoji7 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs OnA Bean Zooted 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs D206 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs D1zz1 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs GUHNZ 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Wyzin 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs KGuapo›¤¦) 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Shamms 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Hitachi Maguchi 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs MansaOzaru 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Lanced 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs LargePhoCombo 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs KevJo_Po 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs B-Town 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs JAR-EL 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs NumbuhFive 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs grab = plug 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Sheldon 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Notoriousx 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs LimpBiscuit 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs RageyKun 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Masterblaster 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Demabre 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Ghost 956 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Braz 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Kishigami-San 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Trigger 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs bless 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Beckem The 4th 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs CHAMA! 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Jaythesage 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs ttv-CuttyGames 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Peanuts 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Kaosagent13 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Hayabusa 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs MikeRoweJr 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs OTdaddy007 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Gemini 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Corythehouse 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Godki Lee 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs FTPeter 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs leek 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs JSS|GarzaTheDad 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs KingSelluseye 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Lag/Taunt=Block 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs 902¦THROW¤HAND$ 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Raykayyy47 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs InFamousJones 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Super_Mitsu 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs VitalTrivia 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Goldthecoin 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs omniscient 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Thugnasty702 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs D_AlMIGHTYY 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs The Puncher 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Whoopn time 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs FreddieHg 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Realhotbox 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs Ronald Dankside 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Diu_Lei_Pok_Guy 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs ¤Tr0nºLegenD¤ 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs Slippy_Flippy 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs ImDonePlayin 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs KingUzumaki 2–1 66.67%
TheBradPad vs OOOO 3–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs moji249 1–2 33.33%
TheBradPad vs NostalgiaRocks 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Pranil 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Jojo 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Darthlightskin 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs mage129 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs KishinKurse 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Yakamoz 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Evilinside2020 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs TreyM13 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Black Prowler 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Luigi Mangione 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs TjWadd 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Nier 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs blacksun 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs bioha2ard 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Uncle Ape 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs SteroidStumpy 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Cobra 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Moe y'know 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BlondeRush 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs RobBobDaCornCob 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs KingYoshi 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Confuzzzled 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs noshoes?? 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs N'oelle*Black 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs MarlonHwtn 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DEADBEAT DADDY 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs KrOnOx 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs OmegaJSM 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs CesarVarelas 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Jswag 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BigManBlastoise 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs NuttyHope 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Chace2x 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs ThebabayagaGG 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs DKoo 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs EL_KGX 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Penny 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Eddy 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs FREELIFE&SCARS 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Daptosto 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Aryan 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Mike Vibing 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Maxx 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs jessie!?!? ;D 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs ZeuslyPC 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Arturo Cetina 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Yoshiology 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Gale of Honor 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BellaHelpMeeeee 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs KaLing 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs barndenn 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Zay_lewis3 TTV 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs moonboyslime 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Leroy 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mensito101 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs The Architect 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs LekL3k 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Spydrmn69 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Qu1ckSilver 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs tiktokcospolo25 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Iorn Fist OG 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Strongbeauty03 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Saint-April 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Crucio 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs RealLifeChun-Li 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Fendi 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs XIX | Freak 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs SilverSarus 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs YT:ETGifted1 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs ES1MED 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Shamanz 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Noob_Saibot 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs RoacH 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mrbob2012 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs GG Player 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DinoMeat 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BDLosito 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Kwanic 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs R2G| Xvideos 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Lyuh 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Langson 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs AvoidLatchi_TTV 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Nibz 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Ratt Damon 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs TidalResin 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Hackage 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Grumpycat 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BIG BLACKHAWKS 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BigNipleTwister 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs morb 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs SoftxActor 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Cant Block Low 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs 소드아트온라인 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Jake the dog 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Kimball 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Philin Titi 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs GreatZayahMan 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Geno8539 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Freddy2Bright 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs OmniLiberal 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Eros Icarus 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DeontaWolfJones 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Joshdrip 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Mark_wahlberg 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs LupinRanger 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs _SpaceLab__ 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs FallenLotus 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Big boss 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Noble 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs iSung 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Thickify 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs lMidian 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs limitless 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs SinewySlackerYT 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Killer 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs InBustWeTrust 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Danciego 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs SAZASIN 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Hannibal 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Heihachi4ever 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs TTV DanyMun 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs spag 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Unlimited99 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Woopt 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs AoiSenko 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Nanablaze1 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs ttv/kingmishima 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs 1DVSBSTRD 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs A.P.K 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs Guessing 8 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Fonz 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs OnlyMinusFrames 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs mx6(: 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs TTVBossManTLo 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs John Kazuya 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Yaight 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Stykxz 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Requiem_Lost 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Sung Jinwoo 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs TimilDeeps-ILC 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Biffnug 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs BeezyMcGeezyTTV 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Earl Grey 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Kodawari.FK8 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs crankyplants 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs NierDrav 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Joshua 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs JBPacha 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mishima 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs REPULSOR BLAST 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs EL_KGX 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Logan_theHuge 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Bwatamyfrend 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs AncientButcher 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs DramWicc 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Jubi 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs HotBoiDaChef 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs SquareEyesTako 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Garvokun 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Crzzz kill 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Butternust 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs SaphiraKaede 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs N9ne 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs SeaJay 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Shumba 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs JaeR4169 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs sGzTaccc 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Burger man 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Phobophobia 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Neagerblackice 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Happy 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Cdollarz 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs trey 1–1 50.00%
TheBradPad vs fellyfuego 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mantis_Shrimp 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Te_DMC_12 2–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs SlickBunny 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Omni8 0–2 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Trynagetbetter 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Baka 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Ace? 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DvJinchuriki 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Brog 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Derkmon 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs The Shaq Show 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs FireCry 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs イマジンブレイカー 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Saint Lawrent 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Gladiator 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs optimus 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Lili 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs YoshiFailedOne 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs When's MVC4 ? 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Memeus Maximus 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs KaosCalibur 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs ReignHavoc 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs 11,112 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Maverick 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Chî. 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Dreamavarium 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs DunnieTime 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Ando On-Air 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Igroove2smoove 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DBLOCK1448 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs RazilinBeyblade 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Aztec-Pygmy 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BIGPOOKIE2323 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Pyrex 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Lired 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs BELETH 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs LeWall 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Semtex 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Yasuke 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Saucee1990 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Ryo_HazukiTiger 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs HomelessLander 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Barlos 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs ChaleWey 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs ZinXC 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Xeno 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Sonlogan 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs FeistyFox 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs whoisisolation 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Keyz 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs TauRus 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Magic 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mr.DEEZ 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs 2B-chan 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs TheytookDJballs 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs TTV @DRiiNCH 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Miggie 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs AWE|TruDrew 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs DK_OG 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs PACS 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs LiquidNull45 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs LitemUpLou 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Mountain DOOM 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs BlacK_coffe3 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs 2Reel 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs DeathspA 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs SenSei-GD 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs BrassKnucks 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Genetically Gre 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Swordless Samur 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Sunraku 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Sourdinosaur 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs AM Training 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs WEBITO 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Bukite 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs 5 BIG BOOMS 1–0 100.00%
TheBradPad vs Apyseas Realm 0–1 0.00%
TheBradPad vs Rusty _ nail 1–0 100.00%

Found 432 opps.